
DELL VS 联想 ZT from 253847      

DELL VS 联想 ZT from 253847

新浪科技在第一时间独家获得了Chris与该客户邮件的英文原文,以下为译文及原文:   戴尔销售人员Chris发给客户的邮件(发于美国东部时间4月28日08:53):   尽管和我的日程有些冲突,但我尽量明天去。您明天在办公室吗?如果我去贝尔瓦(Belvoir)就去找你。您目前正在进行的项目有需要我们协助的地方吗?   我只是从IBM未来的前景来看,并不是攻击竞争对手。大家都知道,联想是一家中国政府控制的企业,最近刚刚收购IBM的台式机和笔记本电脑业务。尽管美国政府已经批准了联想IBM交易(认定这一交易不会威胁美国国家安全),但大家必须明白一点,人们为IBM产品所花的每一块美元,都将直接支持或资助中国政府。您好好考虑一下吧。   该客户给Chris的回信(发于美国东部时间5月10日17:31):   如果你不是在攻击竞争对手的话,那你怎么知道人们为IBM产品所花的每一块美元,都将直接支持或资助中国政府呢?你能证明这一点吗?   Chris再次回复客户的邮件(发于美国东部时间5月10日21:05):   除了我与同事以及客户对联想的看法和讨论之外,目前我还无法向您证明任何东西。IBM的台式机和笔记本电脑业务出售给了联想,而联想背后有中国政府的支持。我们的部分军队客户对此事看法不一,并引发了有趣的谈论。如果看到有趣的文章,我一定会转发给您。   我们的D610/D810笔记本电脑的功能非常强大,我们也非常乐于加入C3T计划。如果能够整合我们的支撑基础设施,那将会成为又一个成功的合作案例。   非常感谢,如果您有什么需要我帮助,请同我联系。   客户再次回复Chris的邮件(发于美国东部时间5月11日14:03):   坦白的说,在与不同公司的同行接触的过程中,我并没有发现因为联想是一家中国公司而引发争论。有趣的是,只有戴尔认为这是一个大问题,这不得不让人怀疑戴尔别有用心。在我同松下、MicronPC、Gateway以及其它任何公司接触的过程中,都没有遇到这一问题。   下面是我搜集到的对戴尔的一些评论:   -戴尔笔记本电脑第一阶段的生产有95%是在中国完成的;   -戴尔笔记本电脑没有任何自己的设计,完全依赖于中国台湾的ODM厂商。   看看用户对戴尔的评论吧,他们甚至认为戴尔没有自己的设计。   以下为Chris与该客户邮件的英文原文:   Chris发给客户的邮件(发于美国东部时间4月28日08:53)   04/28/2005 08:53 AM Subject: RE: PDA   Xxxxx,   I was going to try for tomorrow but I may have a conflict (Wife's doctors appt. for our expecting baby). Are you in the office tomorrow in case I can make it over to Belvoir?   Is there currently anything you are working on that we can provide some assistance with?   From a IBM perspective, and please do not think I'm throwing stones. As you know Lenovo is a Chinese government owned company that recently purchased IBM's desktop/notebook business. While the US government has given its stamp of approval (no US secrets are in jeopardy) to continue to purchase these units people must understand that every dollar they spend on these IBM systems is directly supporting/funding the Chinese government.   Just something to think about.   Chris   客户给Chris的回信(发于美国东部时间5月10日17:31)   From: xxxx.Xxxxx@xxxxx.xxxxx   [xxxx.Xxxxx@xxxxx.xxxxx]   Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 5:31 PM   T Xxxxx, Chris   Subject: RE: PDA   Chris--Understand you're not tossing stones but curious how do you know that every penny spent from IBM supports the Chinese govt? Can you prove this?   W/R   Xxxxx. Xxxxx   Chris再次回复客户的邮件(发于美国东部时间5月10日21:05)   05/10/2005 09:05 PM Subject: RE: PDA   Xxxxx,   No proof at all on my end except extensive reading and discussions with my peers. IBM's desktop and notebook business has been sold to Lenovo, which is a state sponsored/owned company. Some of my Army customers take issue with this so makes for interesting conversation. If I happen to see any interesting articles I will forward over to you.   With the added "rugged features" to our D610/D810 we are seeing a lot stronger interest in the C3T Programs. Combine this with our support infrastructure in Theater it does make a very compelling story.   Thanks and please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything that I can assist with.   Chris Xxxxx   Account Manager   chris_xxxxx@dell.com   Fax orders or quote requests to 1-877-377-0247.   Ask us about our new Blade Servers and our Storage Trade in Program!   Why Dell In The Enterprise? <-click here   Customer Service: 1-800-234-1490 Ext, 66408 or   www.dell.com/public-ecare Support Gold Queue: (800) 945-3355   客户邮件(发于美国东部时间5月11日14:03)   From: Xxxxx.Xxxxx@xxxxx.xxxxx   [mailtXxxxx.Xxxxx@xxxxx.xxxxx]   Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:03 PM   T Xxxxx, Chris   Subject: RE: PDA   Chris--In interfacing with my counterparts from various companines, I can honestly say that the discussion of Lenovo being a Chinese company doesn't come up. It's funny because the only people who make it an issue is Dell, which makes Dell appear sleazy. I've never heard anything from my contacts at Panasonic, MicronPC, Gateway or any of the other companies.   Just wanted to share some comments:   95% of Dell's first stage manufacturing of notebooks (shells) is completed in China.   Dell does not do any of its notebook design and relies completely on Taiwan ODMs (Original Design Manufacturers).   Take a look at the attached presentation. Dell does not even do their own design. ================================================ 我相信下面这一段话大家肯定都很熟悉,很多朋友也很不情愿的被它骚扰了无数遍: 每买一百元日货就会给日本政府送去5元钱, 让日自卫队多造10颗子弹,多印8页反华教科书。 如果你买日本汽车,将来开上中国街头的日本坦克就是你造的, 如果你买日本橱具,将来射穿你儿子头颅的子弹就是你造的, 如果你买日本电视音响,将来就会在战地喇叭中听到中国人被杀的哀鸣! from 253847 in counter humour: 每买一百元RMB中国货就会给中国政府送去5元钱, 让中国解放军多造10颗子弹,多印8页反美教科书。 如果你买中国电脑,将来开上美国街头的中国坦克就是你造的, 如果你买中国笔记本,将来射穿同胞头颅的子弹就是你造的, 如果你买中国电视音响,将来就会在战地喇叭中听到同胞被杀的哀鸣! 请传给20个人,支持美国,抵制中国,就算没有回报,这也是你的义务!是美国人的传给好友!发够20个人后微软会自动将你的MSN信箱升级到10G. translated by 253874: Every time you buy RMB 100 Yuan China goods, 5 Yuan will be given to the Chinese government. This will let the Chinese People's Liberation Army make 10 bullets, print 8 pages of anti-America textbook. If you buy the computer made by China, in the future the Chinese tank on the street of American cities is made by you; if you buy the Chinese laptop, in the future the bullets shoot through your compatriot’s head is made by you; if you buy the Chinese television and Hi-fi, in the future you will hear the wail of your compatriot being killed in the battlefield loudspeaker! Please send this message to 20 buddies! Support US! Resist China! Even if not repaid, this is your duty! If you are an American, send this message to your best friends! After sending more than 20 messages, Microsoft will automatically upgrade your MSN mailbox to 10G.
一天就是一日, 一日就是一天




この体朽ちても きっと走りとおすあの世界の果ての 虹にとどくまでは


haha~~~IBM(and Chinese investers) still got bashed....^_^﹔

はっはっはっはっはアァ~ゼンブ チャネルヲキットコロスシマッタヨオオォ~ 斬る

